Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Who Was The Better General, Caesar Or Pompey Most Would Agree That Es

Who was the better general, Caesar or Pompey? Most would agree that Caesar was by far the better general, simply based upon the outcome of the Roman Civil War of 49 BC to 46 BC. Two of Romes finest generals, Caesar and Pompey, were pitted against each other, with Caesar emerging victorious after one of Romes most devastating civil wars. Caesar first discovered his military prowess while campaigning in Spain and honed his expertise during his ten year conquest of Gaul. Pompey had proven himself, with the defeat of Spratacus, in the slave revolt. And against Mithridates in the glamorous Eastern Command, but was Pompey deserving of the fame and recognition he gained? The civil war began with Caesars crossing of the Rubicon, he committed the first act of war by bringing his army onto Italian soil and was declared an enemy of the state by the Senate. Pompey was given the ominous duty of defeating Caesar and his legions, at first glance it appeared that Pompey had the upper hand, he had the awesome might of Rome behind him and had a vastly larger army than Caesar. Why then was Caesar able to defeat Pompey? Caesar won the war by using masterful techniques of diplomacy, his genius in military strategy, and Pompeys ineptness as a military commander. These factors all contributed to Caesars victory over Pompey and his eventual rise to supreme power, which changed Roman politics until the collapse of the Empire some 500 years later. Caesar was a master in the art of diplomacy and was able to use these skills to alter the tide during the course of the war. From the beginning of Caesars career with help from Crassus, he held large circuss for the mobs, this made him very popular with people of Rome. With his triumphant conquering of Gaul, he was hailed as a hero by the mob, and enjoyed popular support entering the civil war. Caesar was far outnumbered at the onset of the war, and had to increase the size of his army. To solve this dilemma Caesar granted amnesty to all defeated armies, by doing this Caesar was able to simply absorb surrendered armies into his own. Armies of the day were filled with professional soldiers who cared more about their salary, then the cause they were fighting for. Caesar also declared that he would not attack any Roman citizen if they did not bear arms against him. Thus, Pompey's legionnaires were faced with guaranteed amnesty if they surrendered to Caesar or deserted from Pompey. The morale in Pompey's camp would be severely affected by this act.1 In another act of diplomacy, in 49 BC Caesar granted Roman citizenship to the Gauls who had fought for him during his conquering of Gaul. This made the Gauls fiercely loyal to Caesar.2 Caesar was easily able to tip the scales of power in the war by using diplomacy to his advantage. Caesar was also able to take the upper hand in the conflict, by being the superior general. It is no stretch of the imagination to declare Caesar as the best general that ever lived, and if not the greatest, he is most certainly at par with the likes of Alexander, Hannibal, and Napoleon. Caesar was known for acting swiftly and decisively in battle, he deployed this rapid action strategy perfectly against Pompey. Once he crossed the Rubicon, he marched his army towards Rome on such a pace that made Pompey first flee Rome, then Italy all together. This gave Caesar control of the centre of the Roman universe and now he had all of Romes riches behind him. Caesar was able to use this strategy to take the advantage in the war, with out fighting a single battle. Another reason for Caesars success as a General was that he was beloved by his troops, they were fiercely loyal to him and would easily put their life on the line for their commander. Caesar did this by leading by example, as seen with his relentless pursuit of Pompey. He marched so fast that he left all his army behind him, except six hundred chosen horse and five legions, with which he put to sea in the very middle of winter, about the beginning of the month

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Using the Diversity Statement Essay Sample

Using the Diversity Statement Essay SampleWriting a diversity statement can be the most difficult part of writing a diversity statement. This is because no two people are alike and everyone has different perspectives on issues that may be relevant to diversity. Diversity should be a common goal, not a goal for one group of people while another group is included as well.When you take this statement and begin to organize it and write it down, the thing that should stand out the most is that you need to include both the positive and negative aspects of diversity. A diversity statement should not be about one or the other. However, it should show both of these perspectives. When you include both of these elements in your statement, you are making a stronger statement because you are emphasizing both sides of the coin, rather than just one.A key component of this diversity statement is to talk about diversity as a dynamic and evolving concept. You need to note that even as a concept, it i s constantly changing. Even as the concept changes, so does the world around you. In order to achieve diversity in your workplace, it is important to use the idea as much as possible.Diversity can be more than simply the number of groups that are in the workplace. It is important to note that diversity can also refer to the human population of a specific geographical location. There are several areas of the country that have relatively low populations because there are fewer people living there. These areas are, for the most part, still included in the overall geographic concept of diversity. The point is to not restrict your definition of diversity to only include population count.In addition to geographic areas, regional diversity is also important. The next element that you should incorporate into your diversity statement is to note that national diversity is very broad. With more individuals from each of the regions being included, the overall concept becomes more diverse. Becau se you are now including the different cultures that are represented, you are increasing the amount of diversity in your workplace.Remember that diversity should be the common goal of everyone. You should not have a statement that only includes one group or one viewpoint. Instead, you should write a statement that includes several viewpoints from all the groups in your workplace.Finally, you should consider having a diversity statement for your workplace that discusses gender. Gender is such a common thing that it does not make sense to ignore it in your statement. You should talk about the differences between male and female diversity. You should note that while there are no real differences between male and female, there are ways to help groups to embrace and accept diversity. Gender is definitely an important factor when discussing diversity in the workplace.You can use the diversity statement essay sample to help you find the best ideas for your statement. Just make sure that yo u remember to include the positive and negative aspects of diversity. As a result, you will create a better diversity statement and increase the likelihood that your workplace will become more diverse.