Monday, November 25, 2019

Womens Reproductive Rights and the US Constitution

Womens Reproductive Rights and the US Constitution Limits on reproductive rights and decisions by women were mostly covered by state laws in the US until the last half of the 20th century when the Supreme Court began to make some decisions in court cases about pregnancy, birth control, and abortion. Following are key decisions in constitutional history about womens control over their reproduction. 1965: Griswold v. Connecticut In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court found a right to marital privacy in choosing to use birth control, invalidating state laws that prohibited the use of birth control by married persons. 1973: Roe v. Wade In historic Roe v. Wade decision, the Supreme Court held that in the earlier months of pregnancy, a woman, in consultation with her doctor, could choose to have an abortion without legal restrictions, and could also make the choice with some restrictions later in pregnancy. The basis for the decision was the right to privacy, a right inferred from the Fourteenth Amendment. The case, Doe v. Bolton, was also decided that day, calling into question criminal abortion statutes. 1974: Geduldig v. Aiello Geduldig v. Aiello looked at a states disability insurance system which excluded temporary absences from work due to pregnancy disability and found that normal pregnancies did not have to be covered by the system. 1976: Planned Parenthood v. Danforth The Supreme Court found that spousal consent laws for abortions (in this case, in the third trimester) were unconstitutional because the pregnant womans rights were more compelling than her husbands. The Court did uphold that regulations requiring the womans full and informed consent were constitutional. 1977: Beal v. Doe, Maher v. Roe, and Poelker v. Doe In these abortion cases, the Court found that states were not required to use public funds for elective abortions. 1980: Harris v. Mcrae The Supreme Court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which excluded Medicaid payments for all abortions, even those that were found to be medically necessary. 1983: Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health, Planned Parenthood v. Ashcroft, and Simopoulos v. Virginia In these cases, the Court struck down state regulations designed to dissuade women from abortion, requiring physicians to give advice that the physician might not agree with. The Court also struck down a waiting period for informed consent and a requirement that abortions after the first trimester be performed in licensed acute-care hospitals. The Court upheld, in Simopoulos v. Virginia, limiting second-trimester abortions to licensed facilities. 1986: Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists The Court as asked by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to issue an injunction on enforcement of a new anti-abortion law in Pennsylvania; the administration of President Reagan asked the Court to overturn Roe v. Wade in their decision. The Court upheld Roe on the basis of womens rights, but not on the basis of physicians rights. 1989: Webster v. Reproductive Health Services In the case of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, the Court upheld some limits on abortions, including prohibiting the involvement of public facilities and public employees in performing abortions except to save the life of the mother, prohibiting counseling by public employees that might encourage abortions and requiring viability tests on fetuses after the 20th week of pregnancy. But the Court also stressed that it was not ruling on the Missouri statement about life beginning at conception, and was not overturning the essence of the Roe v. Wade decision. 1992: Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the court upheld both the constitutional right to have an abortion and some restrictions on abortions, while still upholding the essence of Roe v. Wade. The test on restrictions was moved from the heightened scrutiny standard established under Roe v. Wade and instead moved to looking at whether a restriction put an undue burden on the mother. The court struck down a provision requiring spousal notice and upheld other restrictions. 2000: Stenberg v. Carhart The Supreme Court found a law making partial-birth abortion was unconstitutional, violating the Due Process Clause (5th and 14th Amendments). 2007: Gonzales v. Carhart The Supreme Court upheld the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, applying the undue burden test.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis Paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis Paper - Article Example In addition, the author also touches on other issues such as neoliberalism and globalization, which will help her to build up her article effectively. In addition, in the introduction she briefs the reader on the entire alignment of the article and the issues that will be discussed thereafter. This is a way of giving the reader morale to read the whole article. In addition, it also is a way of making a person have an idea of the whole article even before reading it wholly. The author also brings to the reader’s attention the different ideas about the topic that will be compared and analyzed in the article. This way, she avoids unnecessary mix up of the reader. Argument The author mainly gives her own opinions about the whole topic by analyzing the whole issue from different readings. This can also be seen from the fact that she uses the first person since she is mainly giving her own view about the whole issue. For instance, she states that â€Å"In this paper, I argue that r acial inequalities †¦Ã¢â‚¬  The use of the first person in this case is majorly to show that the author is trying to give her own idea about the whole issue alongside other ideas that have been given previously. In addition, she challenges the views given by other different works written about closely related issues. For instance, when she says, â€Å"In contrast to epiphenomenal approaches, I suggest†¦Ã¢â‚¬  it is to show that in the article, she challenges other works while building up on hers (Merrill, 1543). The author has also clearly stated that to date, there has been no other author engaging with the same issue as her in the whole of Italy. Therefore, in her opinion the topic has not been studied enough to enlighten the Italian society. Structure of the Paper In giving her argument, the author begins by introducing the reader to the overall issue of immigration in Italy. This gives the reader an overview of the issue that she will be tackling. The next section i n the article is the conceptual approach of racial discrimination of immigrants from Africa. At this point, she brings in the issue neoliberalism globalization (Merrill, 1544). She then explains how this affected the subject of immigration and how it changed it. It is also in this section that she examines how individuals have not noticed that neoliberalism affects immigration. In the next section, the author discusses about the overall issue of demographic patterns in Italy. She then outlines the characteristics of migration in the country and gives the way in which the two issues (demographic patters and migration) affect each other. She then examines how Italian workers have been racially discriminated in their own country. Further, on the same subject, she studies the production and output of outsiders in relation to the migration controls that have been set up (Merrill, 1545). The structure of the author’s work has been arranged in such a way that she clearly addresses a ll the issues independently without confounding the reader. Therefore, slowly, by connecting the different sections of the document, she comes up with her final article. Finally, she analyzes the overall problem of race in conjunction with trade unions in Italy. She clearly examines the way in which trade unions have failed to realize that workers are getting intimidated by the issue of racial discrim

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Training Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Training Plan - Assignment Example We will be using online skill tests, shadowing/role play, and individual learning to properly train a new hire for this position. The full extent, including on-going training can take up to 6 months. The role of customer service at Sport Chek is responsible for acting as a link between customers and the company. The main roles include assisting with orders, complaints, errors, billing, account questions, and cancelations. There are a variety of resources needed to properly train new employees including space, computers, printer/paper, online training modules and of course, time. All in all, the new hire will cost approximately $1000, which shows how important employee retention is. The training objectives are used to equip the newly acquired personnel with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that ensure they will be a productive part of the customer service force at Sport Chek. The new trainee should have the ability to communicate effectively with coworkers and customers, to start conversations with customers, to analyze and solve problems, and have the basic computer skills to work a register (POS system). The knowledge of general sports, sports fashion/ attire, and outdoor activities are essential. The trainee must also have the ability to learn through observations and hands on experience. In order for sports industry to meet the changing needs of demographic, it is essential that new trainees become more dynamic, flexible and innovative with knowledge of general sports, sports fashion/ attire, and outdoor activities. New employees of Sport Check must understand that the firm is the leading retailer of sporting goods in Canada. Therefore, having the privilege to work in the merchandise store exposes the employee to the greatest product brands that exist across the globe. All new employees of Sport Check merchandise store should have a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Computer supported collaborative learning Literature review

Computer supported collaborative learning - Literature review Example The emergence of new technologies in the 21st century is forcing educational institutes to work out new patterns of learning where computers can play vital roles. In order to cope with the modern world requirements Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) systems concentrate on refining, facilitating and incorporating the learning process with the support of collaborative partners (Kobbe et al, 2007). CSCL has now become an essential component of the learning environment. CSCL could be defined as a system promising innovations and tools for restructuring teaching-learning processes to prepare students for the emerging knowledge society (Stahl et al, 2006, p409). CSCL has aim to improving the process of teaching and learning through the use of modern communication technology. CSCL is an instructional technology that encourages students to learn together and jointly solve problems. It is the opposite of the traditional concept of learning where learners are solitary receivers of knowledge. CSCL ensures that students are learning in a vigorous, stimulating and socially enriched framework (Nelson and Ketelhut, 2008). CSCL technology focuses on collaborative learning support, to enhance peer interaction and working in groups; to facilitate sharing and distributing knowledge and expertise among community members. CSCL address the issues of concept learning, problem solving and designing (Ioannidou et al., 2010). The system not only functions to communicate ideas and information but also works to impart feedback on problem solving activities. The technology is based on the belief that computer supported systems can effectively work to achieve objectives which may not be possible in face-to-face communication. CSCL concentrates on refining and incorporating the learning process of collaborative partners in a technology-based environment. It allows students to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Business Entrepreneurship: Strategy Of Bill Gates

Business Entrepreneurship: Strategy Of Bill Gates William Henry Bill Gates born 28th October, 1955 and he is an American business magnate and chairman of Microsoft, the leading software company. He is consistently ranked among the worlds richest people and the wealthiest overall as of 2009. Gates is the most successful entrepreneurs of the world. He is capable to run a successful and a profitable entrepreneurship for many years and even today, we cannot survive in this competitive world without it. Vision and dedication are the key factors of being a successful entrepreneur and these skills were present in Bill Gates from the beginning. He has got the skills to identify the most suitable employee for recruitment. The success of Microsoft is the true example of the entrepreneurial skills of Bill Gates. The success story of Bill Gates is highly motivating for all the upcoming entrepreneurs. His hard work, dedication and self-confidence helped him to earn everything he has. He is a simple man and slightly conservative in regards of money although he is one of the richest people of the world. The youth can take inspirations from the life of Bill Gates. 2nd Entrepreneur Steven Paul Jobs another person like Bill Gates. He was born 24th February, 1955. He is a computer technical entrepreneur and at presently he is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Apple inc. as a result I think the comparison between him and Billgates are perfect. His comparison with Bill gates discussed bellow. Until recently, Bill Gates has been viewed as the villain of the tech world, while his archrival, Steve Jobs, enjoys an almost saintly reputation. Gates is the cutthroat capitalist. A genius maybe, but one more interested in maximizing profits than perfecting technology. Hes the ultimate vengeful nerd. Ostracized at school, he gets the last laugh by bleeding us all dry. On the other hand, Jobs has never seemed much concerned with business, though hes been very successful at it of late. Instead, Jobs has been portrayed as a man of art and culture. Hes an aesthete, an artist; driven to make a dent in the universe. But these perceptions are wrong. In fact, the reality is reversed. Its Gates whos making a dent in the universe, and Jobs whos taking on the role of single-minded capitalist, seemingly oblivious to the broader needs of society. Gates is giving away his fortune with the same gusto he spent acquiring it, throwing billions of dollars at solving global health problems. He has also spoken out on major policy issues, for example, by opposing proposals to cut back the inheritance tax. In contrast, Jobs does not appear on any charitable contribution lists of note. And Jobs has said nary a word on behalf of important social issues, reserving his talents of persuasion for selling Apple products. Giving USA Foundation, a philanthropy research group which publishes an annual charity survey, said Jobs does not appear on lists of gifts of $5 million or more over the last four years. Nor is his name on a list of gifts of $1 million or more compiled by Indiana Universitys Centre on Philanthropy. Jobs wife is also absent from these philanthropic lists, although she has made dozens of political donations totalling tens of thousands of dollars to the Democrats, according to the Open Secrets database. Of course, Jobs and his wife may be giving enormous sums of money to charity anonymously. If they are funnelling cash to various causes in private, their names wouldnt show up on any lists, regardless of the size of their gifts. For a person as private as Jobs, who shuns any publicity about his family life, this seems credible. If so, however, this would make Jobs virtually unique among moguls. Richard Jolly, chairman of Giving USA Foundation, said not all billionaires give their money away, but a lot do, and most do not do it quietly. We see it over and over again, he said. Very wealthy individuals do support the organizations and institutions they believe in. Thats certainly true of Gates, who not only gives vast sums away, but also speaks up in support of the organizations and institutions he believes in. This is not the case for Jobs. To the best of my knowledge, in the last decade or more, Jobs has not spoken up on any social or political issue he believes in with the exception of admitting hes a big Bob Dylan fan. Rather, he uses social issues to support his own selfish business goals. In the Think Different campaign, Jobs used cultural figures he admired to sell computers figures who stuck their necks out to fight racism, poverty, inequality or war. Jobs once offered to be an advisor to Sen. John Kerry during the 2004 presidential election, and he invited President Clinton over for dinner when Bubba visited Silicon Valley in 1996 hardly evidence of deep political convictions. Jobs cant even get behind causes that would seem to carry deep personal meaning, let alone lasting social importance. Like Lance Armstrong, he is a cancer survivor. But unlike Armstrong, Jobs has so far done little publicly to raise money or awareness for the disease. On the evidence, hes nothing more than a greedy capitalist whos amassed an obscene fortune. Its shameful. In almost every way, Gates is much more deserving of Jobs rock star exaltation. Life Story of Bill Gates It can be concluded that Bill Gates is one of the ideal personalities of the world who has honestly contributed towards the worlds success. Gates was born and grew up in Seattle, Washington USA. His father, William H. Gates was an attorney and his mother, Mary Maxwell Gates was a school teacher. She was also head of the United Way Charity. Gates attended a public grade school and then the Lakeside School, a private school. When he was in Lakeside his first interest is in the relatively new field of computer programming. That time he met his friend and future business partner Paul Allen, and developed his first computer software program when his age is only 13. In 1973, Bill Gates started studying at Harvard University. That time he spent time with Paul Allen. Gates and Allen were working on a version of the programming language BASIC. He was so busy with the computer and computer software and at last he did not go on to graduate from Harvard University because he left in his junior year to start the largest computer software company in the world; Microsoft Corporation. But it is an astonish matter Gates did not think about the software giant Microsoft. Early Life (Business Development) After leaving out of Harvard University Bill Gates and his partner Paul Allen created revolution to the computer industry. Gates believed there should be a computer on every office desk and in every home and now it is not the dream it is real fact. The Microsoft real giant software company was formed in 1975. Its abbreviation is microcomputer software. It soon became popular and went on to completely change the way people use computers. The company helped to make the computer easier to the users with its developing and purchasing software, and made it a commercial success. The big success of Microsoft began with the MS-DOS computer operating system and Bill Gates licensed it to IBM. Gates also set protecting the royalties and he could acquire from computer software by fighting against all forms of software piracy. At age 25, Gates obliged IBM to let him keep the proprietary rights to the DOS operating system they had him develop for a program called the pc. Actually he purchased the program from other company and modifying for the PC. Thinking the program would be quickly replaced anyway, IBM agreed to pay for a license to use it rather than purchase it outright. Now Microsoft software operates 90 percent of the worlds desktop computers. Microsoft launched Windows 1.0 in 1983, which produced a graphical user interface better graphics and multitasking. After five years Microsoft reproduced a number of windows versions which added many programs, flexibility and character. When Microsoft grew, the share price goes to the mountain, and Bill Gates became the youngest billionaire at the age of 31 in USA. In 1990 Microsoft actually organised by Bill Gates made a new version of Windows named Windows 3.0 with an improved graphics and features and it sold 10 million copies or more. After followed by Windows 3.1, 3.11 Microsoft added networking support. On success of that type of OS Microsoft developed Windows 95 and upgraded the new windows 98, windows 98se, windows 2000, Millennium Edition, Windows XP, Windows Vista and the latest version windows 7. While innovative windows came out Microsoft take market share more and along with their popular software such as Office, games etc has seen Gates become the richest man in the world and his estimated property US$46 billion. Gates also has interests not only the computer software but also in other business. He has many investments as including Corbis Corporation, Berkshire Hathaway Inc, Teledesic Corporation. Being the richest man in the world Bill Gates created one of the worlds largest charity90. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donates totally more than $1 billion every year. The foundation was formed in 2000 after merging the Gates Learning Foundation and William H. Gates Foundation. The aim is to bring innovations in health and learning to the global community. From the foundation in 1975 until 2006, Gates had major task for the corporation product strategy. He effectively launch various type of products, and as a result Microsoft attained a dominant position. Hence Gates is an executive. met randomly with the senior managers and program managers. Gatess responsibility at Microsoft for most of its history was mainly a management and executive role. However, he was an active software developer in the previous years. He was officially been on a development team since working on the TRS-80 Model 100 line, but wrote code as late as 1989 that lauched in the companys products. On June 15, 2006, Gates told that he would transition out of his day-to-day role over the next two years to dedicate more time to philanthropy. He divided his responsibilities between two successors, placing Ray Ozzie in charge of day-to-day management and Craig Mundie in charge of long-term product strategy. Bill Gates is playing a very active role in the workings of the Microsoft Company, but he has handed the position of CEO to Steve Ballmer. Now Gates holds the positions of Chairman and Chief Software Architect. Now His plans to take on fewer workings at Microsoft and try to devote all his time to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Time magazine called Gates, one of the 100 most influential people of 2004, 2005, and 2006. Time also collectively named Gates, his wife Melinda and rock band U2s lead singer Bono as the 2005 Persons of the Year for their caring efforts. He got vote eighth in the list of Heroes of our time in 2006. In 1999 Gates was listed in the Sunday Times power list. CEO of the year by Chief Executive Officers magazine in 1994, ranked number one in the Top 50 Cyber Elite by Time in 1998, ranked number two in the Upside Elite 100 in 1999 and was included in The Guardian as one of the Top 100 influential people in media in 2001. He has taken honorary doctorates from Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Breukelen, The Netherlands, in 2000; the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2002; Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2005; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in April 2007; Harvard University in June 2007; the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, in January 2008, and Cambridge University in June 2009. He was also an honorary trustee of Peking University in 2007. An honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) by Queen Elizabeth II in 2005 was taken by Bill Gates. Some entomologists name the Bill Gates flower fly, Eristalis gatesi, in his honor. In November 2006, he and his wife were awarded the Order of the Aztec Eagle for their philanthropic work around the world in the areas of health and education, particularly in Mexico, and specifically in the program Un paà ­s de lectores. In October 2009, it was declared that Gates will be awarded the 2010 Bower Award for Business Leadership of The Franklin Institute for his success in business and for his philanthropic work. With his great success it came many criticisms. With his ambitious and aggressive business philosophy, Gates or his Microsoft lawyers are fighting legal battles almost since Microsoft began. The Microsoft is dominating every market through acquisition, aggressive business policy or a combination of them. Many of the largest technology companies have fought legally against the actions of Microsoft, including Apple Computer, Netscape, Opera, WordPerfect, and sun Microsystems. The Ceativity. It is common, particularly within the management literature, to associate entrepreneurship with boldness, daring, imagination, or creativity.  [1]   These accounts emphasize the personal, psychological features of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship, in this conception, is not a required component of all human decision-making, but a specialized activity that some individuals are well able to perform  [2]  . If these characteristics are the essence of entrepreneurship, then entrepreneurship has no obvious link to the theory of the firm at least not without further arguments. The necessary personal features can presumably be taken by contract on the market by buying advising services, project management, and the like. Moreover, the literature does not explain clearly whether imagination and creativity are necessary, sufficient, or incidental conditions for entrepreneurship. Clearly the founders of many firms are imaginative and creative. Fortunately Bill Gates have this character and he build the big software company Microsoft. Intelligent. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. Visionary. Microsofts vision is A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer he will continue to stomp out the competition until he dies. Every business and household must have a computer and must run Microsoft software, was the basic guiding vision of Bill Gates. Passion. When as a student at the Harvard University, every single student would have wanted to be part of the great institute and graduate to be successful, Bill Gates decided to stop studying and pursue his dream of writing softwares for every computer in the world He was just passionate about software, coding and technology that incidentally also made him the richest man in the world Innovation. The best-known concept of entrepreneurship in economics is Joseph Schumpeters idea of the entrepreneur as innovator. Schumpeters entrepreneur informs new combinations new products, production methods, markets, sources of supply, or industrial combinations shaking the economy out of its previous equilibrium through a process Schumpeter termed creative destruction. The entrepreneur innovator is introduced in Schumpeters ground-breaking Theory of Economic Development (1911) and developed further in his two-volume work, Business Cycles (1939). Understanding that the entrepreneur has no place in the general-equilibrium system of Walrus, whom Schumpeter greatly admired, Schumpeter gave the entrepreneur a role as the source of economic change. In capitalist reality as distinguished from its textbook picture, it is not price competition which counts but the competition from the new commodity, the new technology, the new source of supply, the new type of organization . . . competition which commands a decisive cost or quality advantage and which strikes not at the margins of profits and the outputs of existing firms but at their foundations and their very lives.  [3]   Schumpeter carefully distincted the entrepreneur from the capitalist. His entrepreneur need not own capital, or even work within the confines of a business firm at all. While the entrepreneur was an owner of a firm, he is more likely to be an independent. In Schumpeters conception, people act as entrepreneurs only when they actually carry out new combinations, and lose the character of entrepreneurs as soon as they have built up their business, after which they settle down to running it as other people run their businesses.  [4]   This suggests a rather relationship between the entrepreneur and the firm he owns, works for, or contracts with. Entrepreneurship is exercised within the firm when new products, processes, or strategies are introduced, but not otherwise. Gates and Allen were assisted by a staff of six, which included four programmers. In late 1977, Gates released a version of FORTRAN language for microcomputers. In 1978, Gates and Allen introduced a version of COBOL. Around this time, Microsoft emerged as the market leader in microcomputer languages with sales exceeding $1 million. In 1979, Microsoft developed a new version of BASIC He had an early interest in software and began programming computers at the age of thirteen. Risk Taker. In his junior year, Gates dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies full-time to Microsoft, a company he had started in 1975 with his boyhood friend Paul Allen development of new products. Charismatic leadership. Another strand of literature, incorporating insights from economics, psychology, and sociology and leaning heavily on Max Weber, associates entrepreneurship with charismatic leadership. Entrepreneurs, especially in communication the ability to articulate a plan, aset of rules, or a broader vision, and impose it on others. Casson (2000) calls these plans mental models of reality. The victorious entrepreneur exceeds at communicating models one to another, who come to share the entrepreneurs vision. Such entrepreneurs are also typically self-confident. Witt (1998a, 1998b) states entrepreneurship as cognitive leadership. He outlines an entrepreneurial theory of the firm that combines recent literature on cognitive psychology with Kirzners concept of alertness. Entrepreneurs require complementary factors they argues, which are coordinated within the firm. For the firm to be successful, the entrepreneur must establish a implicit, shared frame-work of goals, which governs the relationships among members of the entrepreneurs team. As Langlois (1998) points out, it is often easier for individuals to commit to a specific individual, the leader, rather than an abstract set of complex rules governing the firms operations. In Fiedlers model, leadership effectiveness is the result of interaction between the style of the leader and the characteristics of the environment in which the leader works Bill gates style as Fiedler Model In Fiedlers model, leadership effectiveness is the result of interaction between the style of the leader and the characteristics of the environment in which the leader works According to Fiedler, the effectiveness of a leader is determined by the degree of match between a dominant trait of the leader and the favorableness of the situation for the leader. The dominant trait is a personality factor causing the leader to either relationship-oriented or task-orientated Relation-oriented leadership: Leaders who describe their preferred coworker in favorable terms, with a high LPC, are purported to derive major satisfaction from establishing close relationships with felow workers. High LPC leaders are said to be relationship-orientated. These leaders see that good interpersonal relations as a requirement for task accomplishment. Task-oriented leadership: Leaders who describe their least preferred coworker unfavorable terms, with a low LPC, are derived major satisfaction by successfully completing a task. These leaders are said to be task-orientated. They are more concerned with successful task accomplishment and worry about interpersonal relations later The second major factor in Fiedlers theory is known as situational favourableness or environmental variable. This basically is defined as the degree a situation enables a leader to exert influence over a group. Fiedler then extends his analysis by focusing on three key situational factors, which are leader-member, task structure and position power. Each factor is defined in the following. 1. Leader-member relations: the degree to which the employees accept the leader. 2. Task structure: the degree to which the subordinates jobs are described in detail. 3. Position power: the amount of formal authority the leader possesses by virtue of his or her position in the organization. So in this case Bill Gates found most favorable place where positional power is high as he has most authorities in the firm, task structure is also defined as he gives the direction to subordinate/follower to fulfill his vision, and last leader-member relation is also good. Thats mean Bill Gates is more likely Task-oriented leader who want performance from his subordinate/follower and work has to be done to achieve the goal/objective of the company. Hard work. Bill Gates is a hard worker since the beginning of his life. In his college days, he used to work all night long on his computer. When Microsoft was started, Bill Gates used to sleep only for 6 hours in a day without skipping a single day of office. For Bill Gates, hard work is one of the main keys of success. Lackings or Criticism. The critics argued that Microsoft was not an innovative company. They said that Gates reformed existing products to satisfy customer needs instead of inventing new ones. Analysts also argued that Microsofts overwhelming market share was a major impediment to innovation in the software industry. Microsoft was not just the market leader, but also the standards provider for the industry. Impediment in development of smaller firms: Critics claimed that winning was so important to Gates that he would go to any extent to beat his opponent. James Wallace of Seattle Post-Intelligencer said, Bill Gates not only wants to win, but he wants to kill the competition. He wants to bury the wounded Sometimes Gates took things so much to heart that his emotional feeling overshadowed his rational thinking. They said that Gates intense rivalry with some of his competitors made him personalize every battle and obscured his judgment. With his ambitious and aggressive business philosophy, Gates or his Microsoft lawyers have been in and out of courtrooms fighting legal battles almost since Microsoft began. Many of the largest technology co. have fought legally against the actions of Microsoft , including APPLE COMPUTER, NETSCAPE, OPERA, WORD PERFECT , AND SUN MICROSYSTEME ETC. Penrose maintains that The term entrepreneur throughout this study is used in a functional sense to refer to individuals or groups within the firm providing entrepreneurial services, whatever their position or occupational classification may be.  [5]   The theory of entrepreneurship comes in many guises. Management scholars and economists have made the entrepreneur an upgrador, a leader, a creator, a discoverer, an equilibrator, and more. In only a few of these theories, however, is entrepreneurship connected to asset ownership (examples include Knight, 1921; Mises, 1949; Casson, 1982; Foss, 1993; Langlois and Cosgel, 1993; and Foss and Klein, 2005). Still, these approaches are not founded on any systematic theory of capital or asset attributes. This paper outlines the capital theory associated with the Austrian school of economics and derives implications for entrepreneurship and economic organization. Entrepreneur is an agent who collects the materials for manufacturing the product and prepares the goods by adjustment whose selling price is uncertain.  [6]   Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which is a French word meaning one who undertakes an endeavour. Entrepreneurs organises resources including innovations, finance and capital in a trying to transform up gradation into economic goods. This may occur in recent organizations or may be part of mature organizations in response to get opportunity. The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting new businesses; however, in recent years, the term has been extended to include social and political forms of entrepreneurial activity. When entrepreneurship is describing activities within a firm or large organization it is referred to as intra-preneurship and may include corporate venturing, when large entities spin-off organizations.[1] Participating in a new business creation is a common activity among U.S. workers over their course of their careers. And in recent years has been documented by scholars such as David Audretsch to be a major driver of economic growth in both the United States and Western Europe.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Divine Comedy - The Guardians of Dantes Inferno :: Divine Comedy Inferno Essays

The Guardians of Dante's Inferno      Ã‚   Dante's Inferno is one of the best written works of all time because it was written as an allegory inside an excellent story.   A key part of this allegory was how Dante used different guardians in the various circles of hell.   These guardians were used to symbolize the punishments of the sinners.      Ã‚   Minos is the guardian of Circle II, the circle of the Lustful.   He symbolizes an accusing personality because his job is to give punishments to the sinners.   The bodies of the sinners confess the sins automatically, and that shows the sinners know everything about themselves when it is too late to repent.   Minos is important because he is used to stress that none of the sinners can doubt which sins they have committed, and that the crime will receive a matching punishment.   The lustful were carried away by their passions in their previous lives, and therefore they are thrown about by a black wind.   Dante considers lust to be the highest sin because it is mutually committed to the pleasure of both parties.      Ã‚   Cerberus is the guardian of Circle III, the circle of the Gluttons. Cerberus is meant to portray the image of uncontrolled appetite.   In mythology, he was known to devour people who approached hell, and therefore is a glutton himself.   However, being a glutton, he must surrender himself to his appetite.   His appetite just overtakes him when Dante throws dirt in Cerberus' mouth, and the poets are allowed to enter the circle.   Cerberus is an example of how everything must submit to the glutton's appetite, including his soul. This is a dark sin because they now worship food instead of God, and this is reciprocated by the rain, which belies the jolly nature of gluttons and gives them dark temperaments. Gluttony is a sin which involves one person, and it is more of a selfish sin, but the gluttonous are alone because they always ate alone.      Ã‚   Pluto is the guardian of Circle IV, the circle of Misers and Spendthrift.   Pluto is meant to symbolize riches, as he is the god of wealth that springs from soil in ancient mythology. This is appropriate because he guards those who hoarded money and those who spent it foolishly.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Human Trafficking Paper Essay

Thesis: Because human trafficking is worse than ever and also the fastest increasing criminal industry in today’s world, society needs to address the problem in serious ways. I. Traffickers A. Child slavery B. Exploitation II. Lifestyle A. Treatment B. Living conditions III. Results A. Injuries B. Health Howell 1 Human Trafficking Every year roughly 100,000 children are kidnapped and brought into human trafficking. This creates them to be opened up to the streets, diseases, and sexual abuse at an extremely young age. Most are used until they have passed from drug overdose or sexual disease. Some get away but most don’t escape because of the danger it will cause or they’ve been in it for so long they  believe it is normal. Because human trafficking is worse than ever and also the fastest increasing criminal industry in today’s world, society needs to address the problem in serious ways. Every year thousands of men, women, and children are abducted in violation of human rights. â€Å"Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer and harboring or receipt of persons by means of threat and use of force or other forms of coercion.† Human trafficking has three whole elements which are; The Act (what us done), The Means (how it is done), and The Purpose (why it is done). 1,082 cases of sex trafficking and 1,615 of them were child cases, only 361 kids were returned home. If these abductions rise as they are now by 2020 we will have an estimate of 10,000 child abduction cases related to sex trafficking. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 is helping out in preventing child abduction in sex trafficking. It is one of the most effective so far.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Political Views of Muslim Americans

The Political Views of Muslim Americans The political views of Muslim Americans compare to the rest of the American religious public The largest number of Americans believe that Muslims pose a threat to the American society. Many Americans remain skeptical of the Islamic anti-democratic tendencies a factor that has triggered fear among them (Ghazal 40). The Muslim religion has a bad reputation for its violent characteristic with regard to the widespread understanding of their belief in jihad, the holy war.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Political Views of Muslim Americans specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Research on Muslim Americans suggests that these assumptions are not the reality. Muslim Americans just like the American society are diverse. Not all Muslims are Arabs neither do they all come from one country. Many Muslims come from Asia although some also come from the African-Muslim countries like Libya and Egypt. These make the Islam community a very diverse religion with varying cultural practices. Just like the American people, the Muslim Americans are the most ethnically diverse population in the world today. Many Americans assume that Muslims are all Arabs but research contradicts that notion considering that one-fifth of the Muslim population in America is American born. The Muslims are not entirely uniformly religious neither do they share the same political views as many Americans assume. Muslims are outsiders Not all Muslims are devout. Some of them are serious and strict devotees of their religion while some are moderately devoted and others are non-practicing and secular. This is synonymous to the Christian religion which not all who profess Christianity are really practicing Christians. Muslim Americans are politically integrated and highly diverse and are equally engaged in today’s political issues like the rest of the Americans. For instance, the Islamic communities are highly opposed to gay marriages an d favor an increase in government spending to support the needy (Ghazal 41). However, they are a bit more conservative compared to the rest of the American population with regard to the issue of abortion (Ghazal 41). On foreign policies, the Muslim Americans do not agree or share the same sentiments as the rest of the public. While the public appreciates the war in Iraq and the anti-terrorist actions against the Middle East, the Islamic community bares some reservations on this issue. The Islamic community although they share most of the social and political views with all other religions in America, they are still largely considered Non-Americans. This is due to past activities that the Americans have held against the Muslim community the 9/11 bomb attack (Ghazal 43).Advertising Looking for essay on ethnicity studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Other groups considered as outsiders However, just like other group s that the Americans thought of them as a threat to their harmonious religious existence, the Muslims will have to endure the rebellion factor. Maybe in time the mainstream Americans will be able to accept the American Muslims as fellow compatriots as they did with the Jews and the Italians. Another religion seen as an outsider is the Hindu community. Although they have been mostly involved in the business sector, the Hindu community does not enjoy the benefits of being an American as the natives do and other foreigners like Japanese and Chinese people. The Hindus are not very much involved when it comes to political and national matters. Integration and interaction especially with the Muslim community which research show is highly educated and well informed could be fruitful in achieving some of the development goals. The solution is only by bringing the Muslim American to the national dialogue and involve them in national matters. Ghazal, Jen’nan 2007, Muslims in America. Anti-Muslim graffiti defaces a Shi’ite mosque at the Islamic Center of America. PDF file. 11 Nov. 2012.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Creativity in Advertising Industry Essay Sample

Creativity in Advertising Industry Essay Sample Creativity in the Advertising Industry Essay Example Creativity in the Advertising Industry Essay Example Although there is an extended knowledge of the importance of being creative in advertising, no conclusive research has been done in relation to its effectiveness. Researchers are trying to breach this gap by bringing into perspective previous research results in the fields of marketing, psychology, and largely, advertising. On this basis, we will review advertising in two scenarios, which are divergence and relevance in advertising. In this paper, the effects of divergence and relevance of an advertisement as well impact on consumer processing and response are scrutinized and conclusions are made. A wide-ranging theory of creative advertising is then advanced, which involves researching in five different spectrums or processes: advertising as a social process, as a personal process, as a communication process, as a management process, and lastly as a group process. Importance of Creativity in Advertising The competitive nature of businesses demands extensive advertising so that the information about the existence of the product or service in question reaches a potential consumer. The fact that many, if not all, producers use advertising to reach their target consumers means that, for a business to have the edge over its competitors, creativity has to come into play. Thus, creativity and advertising should be closely interrelated. Creativity is an important factor in the success of advertising. Advertising has become an essential part of the companies’ progress such that even special advertising departments with highly paid employees have been created (Duke Sutherland, 2001). Regardless of the significance associated with creativity, there has been little or no study of this subject in advertising and marketing. That is why there has been little progress in the subject. Consequently, the chief goal of this paper is to: Describe creativity and its components; Explain the importance of creativity in advertising; Examine trends in the advertising industry; Examine the theoretical issues concerning ad divergence and/or originality as well as relevance/effectiveness and consumer reception of both divergence and relevance; Determine a structured format for a universal supposition that will consider a broad spectrum and relationship between creativity and advertising (Duke, Sutherland 2001). Creativity According to the definition given in the dictionary, creativity is the ability to rise above rules, traditional ideas, relationships, patterns, etc., and to generate meaningful fresh forms, ideas, methods, and interpretations. It can also be defined as the use of imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. These two definitions underscore the two primary components of creativity. The first one is that there must be something unique, imaginative, new or different this determinant is commonly referred to as divergence. The second component is relevance since the imagined object created must be a solution to the issue at hand (Duke, 2000). New businesses and products appear daily, which leads to an increased competition in the market. The nature of the products also largely affects competition. To have the upper hand in conquering the market, a producer will have to create ways to present his/her product to his/her consumers better than the competitor does. These can be also called marketing strategies. Advert versus Personal Creativity Creativity comes about when people generate original and unique ideas and inventions that convey relevance. However, these components depend on the social recognition criterion. Hence, an ad might be creative to one group of people but not to another, i.e. an ad may be appealing to the youth and not to the older generation. In the end, advertisements are considered as products of people in the same way as ideas and inventions. For that reason, the idea of relevance and divergence can be useful when it comes to what people create, which includes advertisements. This is imperative because there are three diverse creativity forms that are associated with advertising. First, there is the workforce whose work is to create and carry out a creative plan. They are the ones tasked with the production of the advert. Second, the target market has to feel some creativity in the ad. Thirdly, the target audience exposed to the ad has to be a bit creative to perceive the message in it. Whereas there are relations between these three types of creativity, the defining characteristics of creativity cannot be altered. Instead, the framework changes (Duke, 2000). Creativity and Psychology To completely account for creativity, a structure of intellect model was developed and it attempted to categorize all of human intuition in three scopes: Six results of the processes on the substance. They are relations, classes, units, systems, transformations, and implications. Four kinds of substance to which the processes are applied. Five thought processes; these include cognition, memory, evaluation, and, divergent as well as convergent production. Creativity is explained as an original thought and it is an important constituent of human intelligence. This means that all consumers have the potentiality to recognize creative motivation and react to it in a good way (Duke Sutherland, 2001). Another model suggests that there are two stages of creativity: 1.Primary creativeness, which comes from the unknown and which is the foundation of new discoveries. This is termed as real freshness and is comparable to the originality concept of creativity. 2.Secondary creativeness, which is built on past knowledge and is based on reasoning, common sense, and logic. This is an equivalent of the relevance element in most descriptions of creativity. Trends in the Advertising Industry The new trend of the advertising industry was a focus on the dynamics of advertisement and its contribution to the economy of the country. Advertisement greatly contributed to gross domestic product. This shows that advertising expenses with regard to magazines highly increased compared to the previous campaigns. This is largely due to the technological advancement, mainly the internet. The creation of social sites and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many other sites on the internet has largely revolutionized advertising. Advertising companies have had to adjust to these changes accordingly and shift from the print media and traditional methods of advertisement to the Internet. Consequently, the ad has to be of a higher creative level to capture the attention of the target audience who tend to have higher expectations. The industry is now going online for the reason that many consumers nowadays have the tendency to use the internet more. The market online offers major potential opportunities for advertisers. Because of the low cost incurred in promotion, smaller firms can place their advertisements in front of millions of people with no time being wasted in carrying out the activity. Technological knowledge makes it possible to gauge the effectiveness of publicity. This is done by including the number of customers who surf the internet to get services and hence end up clicking on the said promotion. The television, Mobile phones and other devices give promoters more access to clients. Due to the increase in the number of people accessing the internet as well popularity of social sites such as Facebook, the demand for catchy and high quality advertisement has dramatically increased. To meet the new demand and the new creative standards of the industry, the companies polish up their ad strategies as crowds of people use the Internet and media on a daily basis. Marketers can directly publicize their products online in order to get contact with customers, which have led to the developments in the line marketing such as email solicitations corporate websites and blogs. Below-the-line business appears to be overcrowding, while some above-the-line big companies spend mo re time on improving nd adapting of their strategy of advertising (Duke, 2000). In spite of an uncountable number of blogs and websites, the online market is compacted. According to the statistics, the top ten advert-selling firms take account for a greater percentage of total online revenues advertising. The search advertising accounts took a great percentage of digital revenue advertising. An advertiser takes part in a continuing auction process to have his or her market displayed when a consumer types an inquiry into an engine search using a keyword that is given. At the same time, the vast proliferation of online videos, ad-supported websites, and blogs has created a big supply than can be readily exploited, helping to lower advertising costs in both online and usual media markets, such as television and billboards. Our SamplesThe best way to know how to write good essays is by getting a sample of an essay from competent experts online. We can give you the essay examples you need for future learning. Free Essay Examples are here. The Internet has negatively impacted the traditional media by not only increasing its share of consumer time spent but also by further diminishing the ad pricing power of the conventional media. Businesses are also discovering that it can be quite demanding to connect with online consumers who have more power to screen content through pop-ups, digital recording devices, and other types of technology of high aptitude levels. With the digital consumers that are in control of their media experience and advertisers shifting their concentration to more interactive quantifiable formats, firms must go beyond the usual advertising methods; hence, there is the need for creativity. Firms have to adapt to the new methods and ways of marketing. For long time, advertisers have used demographic and other data to target audiences, but the internet, with its authentic riches of information regarding consumer behavior, is moving this practice to a new height. Advertisers are using behavioral advertising targeting ads using data collected as persons browse the web, register on websites or sign up for promotions together with search and other strategies. Businesses also aim at becoming a part of ongoing conversations of digital consumers. They tap into social networks and create mobile phone applications and work with popular bloggers (Besemer Treffinger, 2001). Many social and economic forces, including technological advancement, the population’s educational level, increases in population and income, and radical changes in lifestyle, are most noteworthy in the advancement of the advertising industry. Conclusively, the main reason why advertising is moving from the conventional media to the internet is that the cost of running ads online is much cheaper than the normal methods, which are both expensive and time-consuming. This means that to get the attention of an audience whose time is limited and who has a higher intelligence quotient level, the degree of creativity of the ad must be of a reputable standard (Berlyne, 1971). Perception of Divergence and Creativity Creative ads are perceived to be those that are relevant and divergent. Divergence is the first and the most fundamental characteristic exhibited in ads. Most advertisements that influence consumers are different, original, and unusual in one way or the other. While the ideology of divergence is vital and paramount in creativity, it has received little development in advertising and marketing. Divergence is represented as a one-dimensional creation with little development and representation in theories (Amabile, 1996). Yet, divergence is an important theme that plays an important role in the marketing creativity. In defining creativity, relevance is also essential. The marketing ads can be relevant by being appropriate, meaningful, and valuable to the targeted population. Thus, relevance in marketing ads is a valuable stimulus. Relevance is related to the product that is being advertised as well as to the informational properties of the product that is marketed (Baer, 1993). For example, music can make the ad relevant in that its elements are blended to give the ad a meaning and add a new sense, which reflects the targeted population. In advertising marketing, producer-consumer relevance and ad-consumer relevance are two necessary aspects. Producer–consumer Relevance. In this case, an ad creates a consequential connection between the target audience and the product. Ad–consumer Relevance: This is achieved when incentive properties of the ad produce a considerable connection to the customer. Advert Processing Model The MacInnis and Jaworski advertising model The studies have shown little reliability in functionality of advertisement creativity (Andrews Smith, 1996). To provide a straightforward approach, the MacInnis and Jaworski model is used to spot the main incentives in response and processing variables. These are: I. Pre-Attentive Processing Ad processing starts with a pre-attentive phase. When consumer participation is less or there is confusion because of many adverts, it is often difficult for an ad to be noticed. To achieve the goal, the creativity applied in creating the ad must be top notch; that is it must be original, unique, and relevant to the target group (Amabile, 1996). II. Motivation to Process Once the attention of the buyer has been captured, keeping it is the next target. The consumer’s ability to process the ad and motivation are proportional to the total of attention accorded it. III. Attention The above model explains that the level of focus given to the ad is directly proportional to attention, specifically whether ad processing is a key or a minor task. IV. Depth of Processing This reveals the buyers’ level of perception of the advertisements’ information. This ranges from basic message detection to productive processes like linking the message to imagining the product in use, one’s personal life, or role taking. V. Managerial Issues Creation of advertisements requires funding. This is a managerial decision as to whether allocate this resource and in which scale. General Theory of Advertising Creativity The boundary between advertising and creativity has a broader conceptual sphere. It is therefore imperative to consider creativity in advertising in a number of different scenarios. Creativity in Management Advertising is a building block of product marketing and must be managed carefully so that sales are maximized. Creativity issues in management include: Developing creative policies and strategies; Hiring creative workforce; Aiding a creative ambiance in the business; Ascertaining if creative objectives are met; Planning unique advertising crusades; Perceiving and inspiring the creative processes (Clow, Roy Baack, 2001). Creativity in Communication Advertising is the greatest means of communication between firms and their customers. The issues here include effects of creativity on consumer persuasion and response, processing information, and other variables that incorporate creativity and influence ad usefulness (Amabile, 1983). Associated issues are: Recognizing the likely negative effects of insipid advertisements; Advising on new uses of presenting existing goods; Encouraging consumers’ involvement in firms activities, for example in sales promotions; Using creativity to improve the company’s image; Initiating new products or product extensions. Individuality in Creativity Individual consumers can process and perceive creativity in advertising differently, which can have personal consequences. Therefore advertising is used as a basis for consumer self-realization, development, and creativeness. Creativity in Groups Creative advertising is usually a product of teamwork. It is, therefore, vital to assess how ideas are made in a team setting. The issues here include: Effects of majority and minority: Effects of such aspects as promotions, rewards and mood on the creation of unique thoughts; The role of personality. Societal Creativity Advertising has noteworthy effects on the society that are directly related to creativity. The concerns here are: Effects on the norm; Advertising as a profit-making activity; Differences of processing creative advertisements across cultures; Attraction to unfriendly consumer groups, for example, anti-consumption, and Making use of adverts to inform patrons on important communal issues. Product advertising has gone through numerous changes as the years go by. The proliferation of technology has greatly affected the development of working advertisements. The industry is undergoing major revolution because online advertising has become a major marketing strategy. The main reason why advertising is moving from the conventional media to the internet is that the cost of running ads online is much cheaper than the normal methods, which are both expensive and time-consuming. Thus, managements of various firms both small-scale and large scale have had to invest in online ads to reach their clients. Due to technology developments and education progress, the target audience has become more demanding and hence the ads have to be more catchy and creative. Thus, creativity has become an integral part of advertising.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Determining the Effectiveness of a Food Preservative (THIS IS A CASE Essay

Determining the Effectiveness of a Food Preservative (THIS IS A CASE STUDY) - Essay Example Direct microscopic counts cannot distinguish between dead and living bacteria. Dead bacteria result from the fact that the â€Å"natural environments [for bacteria] do not always resemble standard laboratory culture media† (Roszak & Colwell, 1987). Hence, death of some bacteria is expected. Standard plate counts may not be able to differentiate among the different types of bacteria but is reliable when it comes to giving information about disease-causing bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa (â€Å"Swimming Pool,† 2010). Identifying the growth and metabolism of organisms such as P. aeruginosa in cottage cheese can give insights on how effective a preservative is or, more specifically, how long it will last in protecting the cheese from bacteria. Moreover, standard plate counts seem to be the method of choice when it comes to experiments with cottage cheese, as long as the laboratory environment and all other variables are properly regulated (Fedio et al., 1994). Another thing is that, P. aeruginosa forms three colony types – a small and rough one, one with a fried-egg appearance, and one with a mucoid appearance (Todar, 2011). Due to such differences in colonies, the number of bacteria will therefore obviously be relatively hard to determine through a d irect microscopic count and hence will require a standard plate count. Besides, a standard plate count is appropriate for counting colony-forming bacteria (Todar, 2009). Turbidity measurements, just like direct microscopic counts, may fail to give an accurate bacterial count because it â€Å"cannot detect cell densities less than 107 cells per ml† (Todar, 2009). This means that colonies must have approximately at least 10,000,000 cells before it can be detected through turbidity measurements. Considering that colonies of P. aeruginosa are varied in many aspects like appearance, it is possible to obtain samples where colonies would have cells less than the minimum limit that can be detected

Friday, November 1, 2019

Dickens hard times resonates with the work of his contemporaries Essay

Dickens hard times resonates with the work of his contemporaries particulary in relation to the effects on the enroaching effe - Essay Example Charles Dickens’s Hard Times presents a unique picture of industrialization and urbanization in 19th century England. The sullen atmosphere of Coketown symbolizes suppressed anger of the factory workers and failure to improve their lives and wellbeing. Surprisingly or not, Dickens’s work resonates with and echoes in the works of his predecessors and contemporaries, who discuss the tragic man-city dichotomy and depict the disruption of human integrity by cities. It would be fair to say that Charles Dickens’s Hard Times presents a unique and profoundly philosophic allegory of urbanization and industrialization, which causes encroaching effects on the lives of English class workers and reinforces the sense of human alienation from everything rational and urban. Charles Dickens’s Hard Times is rightly considered as one of the best representations of industrialization and its disintegrative effects on the lives and wellbeing of English class workers. ... Nevertheless, it is due to Dickens’s repulsion toward dry statistics, rationality, and facts that Hard Times turned out to be an excellent source of truth about the disruptive effects of industrialization on workers. In Dickens’s book, urbanization and industrialization are associated with the lack of creativity and everything humane. The family of Gradgrinds exemplifies the utmost saneness and extraordinary rationality with no tint of feeling or romance: â€Å"No little Gradgrind had ever seen a face in the moon; it was up in the moon before it could speak distinctly. No little Gradgrind had ever learnt the silly jingle [†¦] no little Gradgrind had ever associated a cow in a field [†¦] with that yet more famous cow who swallowed Tom Thumb† (Dickens 1854). Needless to say, those are the products of industrialization, which suppress romanticism and create a sullen atmosphere on Coketown. The name of the city itself symbolizes sullenness and intoxication with rationality. This sullenness, however, is nothing but the sign of repressed anger, which finds no outlet but goes unabated (Colon 2006). The implications of industrial sullenness in Coketown are two-fold: on the one hand, it creates and fosters a claustrophobic atmosphere; on the other hand, it indicates and reflects the growing social dissent in the English work class. Excessive rationality leaves workers beyond the boundaries of improved wellbeing and, at the same time, emphasizes an irresolvable man-city dichotomy. The themes of sullenness and workers’ alienation from the processes of industrialization and urbanization resonate with T.S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Green and Fernald (2003) are correct in that both works create a set of metaphors which